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Friday, January 31, 2014

"Please Avoid Using Mobile Phones 

 While Driving"

As a Transportation and Logistics solution providers we feel that its our duty to create certain "Road Safety Awareness" among drivers and general public.With that motive we share this video.

"Please Avoid Using Mobile Phones While Driving

In this video you can see a girl texting to her friend while driving.She failed to see that she is moving out of her track.Result, unexpected collision.She paid her friends life as a cost of texting while driving.

What one should not do while driving?

1. Please don't try to answer a call while driving.In case of emergency park your vehicle in the service bay and then answer the call.

2. Do not text while driving.You may think that its going to take just 2 or 3 seconds to text a short SMS, but 2 or 3 seconds out of concentration while driving is enough for such an incident.

3. Do not use earphones with loud sound to hear songs while driving.

"Stop accidents,before they stop you"."Follow traffic rules, save your future"

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

World tourer "Martin Williams's" motorcycle stolen half way on the trip

Martin Williams with his partner Kawasaki KLR 650

          This is an incident that happened to Martin Williams an Australian, who set out on a world tour adventure on his Kawasaki KLR 650.

     Always bikes have been easy targets for automobile burglars. And nowadays bike theft has been increasing every where. Most of us consider our bike as one of our family member.The pain of having your beloved bikes stolen from your own backyard is no less than losing a member in the family.

         But for Martin Williams his bike is his partner.The 53 year old rider left Australia 6 months ago with his partner Kawasaki KLR 650 and after covering almost 26,000 Kms through Asia and Europe he stopped at Swansea(Wales) to catch up with his relatives.His next target was to explore African continent.With a lot of hope and enthusiasm he got up the next morning but he found that his partner was missing!

           The cost of the bike is around $6500 also he had spent a lot to modify it in order to be able to travel around the world.More than that he had it for about seven to eight years and done a lot of  travelling on it.The cost of this relationship is incalculable. The loss of his partner had shattered his hope and now he have no idea what to do.

           The South Wales Police has been on the hunt and have appealed to the public to report incase they have any information.But Martin's motor cycle is still untraceable.

           So bike theft is always a nightmare for those who have costly bikes.

What we can do to prevent this bike theft?

           Here is the secret, its " GPS Tracking System" that can 
save your bike from theft.The GPS device will be hiding secretly in your bike and will alert you when a burglar tries to burgle.

What are the things a GPS tracking system can do?

 1. Alerts you through SMS when there is an unauthorized ignition of your bike.

2. Helps to track your bike on a map in your device  ( mobile/PC)

3. You can turn off your Engine just by giving a call to the GPS device.

       Tranzlogix provides a complete GPS tracking solution with best customer support. So no need to afraid of bike thefts.Installing Tranzlogix GPS tracking solution helps you to convert your nightmares to sweet dreams.   

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Will my company benefit from a GPS tracking system? 

    There are many benefits to a GPS tracking system. Running a GPS system, for example, can help many companies manage their fleet tracking and vehicle tracking needs. However, many companies remain unsure about adopting this kind of technology believing that it will only benefit businesses with large fleets. The truth is that any company - large or small - may be able to benefit from a GPS tracking system. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages:

1.Fleet tracking: 
         A GPS tracking system makes it far easier to track the vehicles that are working for a business, especially if the GPS system adopted uses real-time tracking. Real-time tracking allows a business to pinpoint exactly where a vehicle is at any given time. So, it is easy to spot delays and to manage delivery allocation. A taxi firm, for example, will be able to efficiently allocate jobs at all times with a GPS tracking system as it is easy to work out where each driver is at any given time.

2.Operational management: 

         Tracking vehicles simply makes it easier to manage the way that company vehicles operate. It doesn’t matter if a company runs two trucks or two hundred - a GPS system allows the business to assess and evaluate how deliveries work which makes it far easier to plan schedules and to allocate vehicles and drivers. Timely delivery will increase customer satisfaction and you could also see a decrease in operational costs due to increased efficiency. The chances are you will also be able to better manage your fuel usage and associated costs.

3.Personnel management: 
          Having GPS devices in fleet vehicles gives a business far more control over employees when they are on the road - whether they are drivers or sales people. GPS tracking systems will make sure that employees do what they are supposed to and get where they are supposed to be by the most direct route. This makes it hard to make excuses of being held up in traffic as the system will show exactly where they are at any given time. It is also possible to run GPS tracking systems that monitor driver activity such as door opening and closing and ignition movement. This kind of system will also prevent employees from taking on moonlighting jobs or using company vehicles outside working hours.

4.Security benefits: 
         Running a GPS tracking system also gives the assets of your business - both in terms of vehicles and personnel - added security benefits. If a truck is stolen, for example, the system will show where the theft happened and where the vehicle is. Employees carrying portable GPS devices such as GPS enabled cell phones on site visits will also have added security as their movements can be tracked. This technology is also useful in the event of an accident as it could mean getting emergency services to the site of the accident in the quickest possible time. Many businesses also see a decrease in insurance costs with a GPS tracking system in place due to the additional security benefits it will bring.

      All kinds of businesses are successfully using GPS tracking systems nowadays. There are obvious advantages to larger companies with fleet tracking but even the smallest company might benefit from vehicle tracking or personnel tracking and could look at using alternative GPS devices such as GPS-enabled cell phones.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

GPS Based Vehicle Tracking for Cab Owners:

           Vehicle tracking systems are quickly being integrated into companies with delivery trucks or service vehicles. But now taxi companies are starting to use the tracking systems as well. Taxis equipped with vehicle tracking systems will allow them to better service their customers.

          When someone calls a cab company to have them send a taxi, the companies with the best customer service will dispatch a car promptly. But how do they do this? Taxi companies are normally located in very large cities and they could have taxis spread all across the town, some being an hour or two away. Are they supposed to just call up all the taxi drivers individually to find one that is in the right area?
          Tranzlogix GPS- Vehicle tracking system would allow the cab company to view all of the company's taxis on a map. This would allow them to notify the closest driver.

         Using this same map, the operator at the cab company will be able to properly estimate the amount of time that it will take for the car to arrive. It is very frustrating to be told that the car will be there ‘shortly’. Just how quickly is ‘shortly’? Some people’s definition of shortly could be 5 minutes or sometime less than half an hour. What if all of the cars are all the way across town? It could take an hour for one of the vehicles to reach the waiting person. This person should know how far away the taxi is.

        People hate waiting and it will make them more content if they know how long they should expect to have to wait. The only thing worse than being told that the car will be there ‘shortly’ is being told that the cab will be there in 10 minutes and it doesn’t arrive for 25. Taxi companies will have much better customer service ratings if they can give their customers an accurate estimation of the wait time.

       Customers will be much happier if the cab they call for arrives quickly and in the time that the operator estimates. Taxi drivers have a difficult job trying to get busy people across big cities in lots of traffic. They need the help of current vehicle tracking systems in order to do their job well. After all, their tip money depends on how quickly they service their customers and how long the customer is forced to wait for the taxi is a big factor in that.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Win Over “LOTS” of Customers – Listen, Observe, Think, Speak

       How would you describe your approach to customer service? One company mentioned in a recent article uses the acronym “LOTS” to ensure their customers are happy. What does “LOTS” stand for? Listen, observe, think and speak. Check out how you can use this approach to improve your overall service levels and increase sales:
         Your customers want to be heard. When you listen to your customers, it shows that you care about their thoughts and opinions
           As soon as you enter the customer site, it’s important to observe the situation. Is the customer greeting you with a smile or can you sense a hint of irritation? Observing the customer’s mood can help you determine the best way to handle the situation.
          First impressions are everything.  You might be the first person to interact with the customer face to face, which is why it’s important to choose your words carefully.
      Customers expect you to be the expert. Make sure to answer their questions thoroughly and keep them informed throughout the appointment. Be focused and informative. This shows your customers that they can rely on you to get the job done right. 

        You can also provide your customers with accurate ETAs, so they never have to be kept waiting around. And if you receive customer complaints about your employees arriving late to appointments, you can log in to the solution and see exactly where your employees were all day. If you find that those employees really were late, you can pull up the proof and hold them accountable for their behaviour.

           Many service businesses are also finding that GPS fleet tracking technology helps to improve customer service. With a fleet tracking solution, you can provide your field employees with the shortest routes to any location, so they can get to job sites quicker.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

This is Not to Threaten Anyone, Just To Create an Awareness

          This is an incident that happened in Maharashtra   (India).This news was published in the tamil news paper Dinakaran dated 08/01/2014.

           Two truck drivers from Tamilnadu (India) was kidnaped along with their truck loaded with raw Cotton worth Rs.25 lakhs  in Maharashtra on 20/12/2013. Later one of the two was released . Still the other one and the truck was in the control of the kidnapers. The worst case is that "the police have no clue about their location".

Things that happened:

1. The drivers were helpless when the kidnapers blocked them.

2. The incident was intimated to the truck owner by one of the driver who got released after a long time.

3. Police were informed about the incident by the truck owner at once he got the news, but the worst thing is that even he got the news too late.

4. Moreover the poor thing is that the police have no clue about the current location of the truck.

Things that would have happened if they had a vehicle tracking system installed:

1. Driver would have given an alert to the owner with the help of one click SOS alarm system.

2. The owner would have reacted immediately by reporting to the police.

3. By using the GPS tracking system they would have easily tracked the truck.

4. With the help of the local police the truck would have recovered within an hour. 

So its better to be cautious and to have a vehicle tracking system installed in your vehicles to protect your vehicles and your driver.

The benefits that you get from the vehicle tracking system is tremendous but the amount that you are going to spend for this is very less which equals to your single time fuel bill. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Getting ready For a GPS Fleet Tracking Solution?

          So, you have decided implementing a Fleet tracking solution would be good for your business and you are well-versed on all the benefits a fleet tracking solution can provide. Now, how do you get a solution implemented? Here are five tips to help you get buy-in from your management team, office employees and drivers:
  1. Make sure to have all decision makers involved in the process. Employees that will use the solution need to see the parts of the application they will be using. For example, your dispatcher is interested in how easily he/she can schedule, dispatch and route jobs.
  2. Do your research. Present ROI metrics to ensure all stakeholders see the value of a fleet tracking solution.
  3. Present success stories and real life  cases to show how companies similar to yours are benefiting from a fleet management solution. Whether its industry, fleet size or similar business objectives, be prepared to back up your ROI metrics.
  4. Establish a project plan on device installation for your vehicles. No interruption to regular business hours and fleet productivity goes a long way in ensuring success.
  5. Talk to your drivers. Explain that implementing the solution is to help the company and them. Your drivers are your most important assets. Talk to them about how a fleet tracking solution can keep them safe, productive and get them home on time.